
Why Don't You Love Me

I was listening to the song Why Don't You Love Me by Beyonce and it made me think...Women go out of their way to make a man see the good in them. A woman will cook, clean, look good daily, buy things for a man, and make sure the sex is beyond great. All in the name to make a man love them.

In the song she's askin "why don't you love me when i made myself so easy to love.?" I'll tell you why...He's an asshole. SERIOUSLY.! That can be the only reason. If you do your part and he still wonders or does whatever it is that he does, he is the problem. Good women need to quit beating themselves up over no good men. Vise versa.

It's good men out there who go through the same thing with triflin' women. It all boils down to knowing your worth. Love yourself more than you love the next. Be comfortable with you first. Please you instead of hurting yourself to please that man or that woman that you feel you can't do without. If you let them hurt you or bring you to tears day in and day out then you need to ask yourself "Why don't you love me.?"

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