
Office Affairs Pt. I

For the past six weeks I've stared at the epitome of a man. successful, well educated, handsome, & according to the bulge in his pants, he had been blessed by the sex gods. i often found myself fantasizing about him pleasing me with that gorgeous mouth of his. his tongue flicking back & forth on my Love untiL my juices fLowed Like a river. Snapping back to reaLity when fiLe foLder are thrown on my desk. I Look up with cranberry coLored cheeks onLy to see my best friend standing in the doorway with a Look of concern. "You okay LaiLa? You Look a LittLe sick girL." LittLe did she know i was sick. Sick of yearning for the touch of a man. It had been cLose to two years since my divorce. I hadn't been on many dates since, Let aLone gotten any mind bLowing sex. Masturbating in the shower had become a nightLy rituaL for me. WhiLe the hot water ran down my body, I fondLed my breast the way i wanted a man to. Pinching my nippLes ever so sLightLy, yet with enough pressure to make me wince with pLeasure. The massage beads in my body wash onLy ampLify my aLready sensitive skin as i cLeanse myseLf. I drift off into another reaLm. Making my way to my Love sLit my hands trembLe. I can feeL my temperature rising from my excitement. My digits find my sLick opening & immediateLy start to expLore my insides. I throw my head back, cLose my eyes, & bite my Lips as my hands roam freeLy. I sLipped my middLe & ring fingers deep inside my pussy whiLe i rubbed my cLit with my thumb. PeriodicaLLy squeezing it between my index & thumb I feLt the sensation shoot through my body. Faster & faster i moved my hands. My hips found a rhythmic beat and moved in a circuLar motion. A moan escaped my Lips as i tried to fight off the wave of pLeasure that was washing over me. AHhHhH SHiiiiiiiiiiiiT.! With a shiver my fLood gates reLease right there in the shower. "Yeah girL, I'm fine. I'm just tired. Thanks for dropping off the TicaL case for me. Lord knows it sLipped my mind." I spoke every word with a feeLing of superfLuity. I needed a stress reliever. May I'll hit the after hours spot on Elm St. tonight.

I reaLLy Lucked up with this job. Six weeks ago i was jobLess with a Law degree. Bills were piling up and I was worried the streets wouLd take me back under. Oh don't Let the suit and tie fooL you. I've soLd drugs for a Long period of my Life. I stopped when my baby sister got kiLLed. At the time i was heavy in the game, so was she. She was secretLy hooked on a number of drugs. It aLL started when she found my stash and decided to experiment. LittLe did i know. She was buying from a rivaL deaLer by the name of Sparx. One night I soLd to a few of his finest customers and he wasn't feeLing that. He came to shut down shop on my ass but i wasn't home. Nina was. She was about to go out with her friends when they shot the house up. A singLe shot pierced her Lungs and she bLeed to death. That's when I stepped off the drug scene and decided to get my shit together. This gig kind of feLL into my Lap. LiteraLLy! Now that I'm here there's no way I'm going back to the Life I knew. If onLy I couLd get my Love Life in order. It's been a whiLe since I've had the companionship of a woman. Thanks to AiLani. Lonnie was my heart. She heLd me down through a Lot during my Life. That is, untiL i found out she was unhappy. I came home from hooping with the feLLas one crisp, October evening. UsuaLLy AiLani wouLd be at schooL at this time so I figured I'd take a shower and chiLL before my baby came home to put it on me. As i unLocked the door i seen her keys on the tabLe where the maiL was kept. Maybe she for got her keys i thought to myseLf. She was aLways forgetting one thing or another and wouLd frequentLy caLL me to bring it to her. I chuckLed as I made my way to the kitchen to grab a coLd drink. My apartment was pretty decent for an ex drug deaLer. I had
hustLed up enough to Live in a nice studio apartment. It was kinda Living above my means but hey...I Like nice shit. what to do what to do? Man! I didn't watch Sports Center this morning Let me catch up on that right quick. Wow.! Chris Henry.! These bitches kiLLin aLL the athLetes. Good thing I'm not a sports pLayer. Them damn neighbors aLways fuckin.! I can hear em across the haLL man. UhHhH...Let me hit this shower because i can smeLL myseLf and man do I stink.! I'm making my way up the stairs and I can stiLL ear the neighbors. They seem to be getting Louder. LoL oL boy puttin in work. He must have got caught cheatin again. They crazy man. HoLd up. How was the door Locked if Lani's keys are here? Awww my babe must be sLeep. Let me hurry up and get this damn stench of me so i can get some of that sweeeeet...the noises comin from my room.! FREEZE.! What am I gonna do? Think man, think! FUCK! Okay I'm not gonna go for the gun. I am gonna beat the shit outta dude tho. I step cLoser to see the door cracked a Little. What do I see? Lani goin buck wiLd on some dudes face. My heart stops. That's my girl and she's in the bed moanin loud as hell while she ridin some niggas face. . . IN MY BED! FUCK THAT! I kick the door in. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHI..." Alani is startLed by my voice. "Baby, Let me expLain. I didn't mean for you to find out this way. I'm sorry Keith" I don't know what to do at this point. I'm in compLete shock. It feels Like someone ripped out my heart and stepped on it with size 13 shoes. I just caught the Love of my Life in bed with...wait...in MY bed with another woman.!

                                      ....To Be Continued

-:|:|:|: SASSy :|:|:|:-

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